Simar Singh
Welcome to my astro blog
Here are some photos I have taken so far. For the camera, I have been using an iPhone 14 pro max and the Sony a6400 with a T ring and 42mm adapter. All other pictures of planets, the moon and deep sky objects (coming soon !) were taken using an 8” Dobsonian telescope. I am quite new to astrophotography and still learning how to optimise camera settings and process/stack images. In the meantime, here are some of my favourite photos so far.
The following were taken on an iPhone 14 Pro Max, without any editing.
Saturn (Taken using iPhone 14 Pro + 8” Dob)
This one is my first planetary image taken with my Dobsonian. I took this by putting an iPhone up to a 9mm eyepiece with a 2x Barlow lens. I was quite surprised with the result, as I was not expecting to see the rings of Saturn through the iPhone camera. I could also see the Cassini division (the dark gap in the rings) through the eyepiece when live viewing Saturn, although this did not come through in the iPhone photo.
The Moon (Taken using Sony a6400 + 8” Dob)
The following is a raw, unedited image of a waxing crescent moon (30.4%) taken on 22/08/2023.
Here is an edited version of the same image, using Adobe Lightroom.
More coming soon !